What We Offer

A place for you and your family to grow spiritually

Bible Class

Sunday School


Homeschool Co-op

Altar Guild

Ladies’ Service Guild

A Few of our Church Groups

  • Homeschool Co-op—We host a Christian homeschool co-op, and are passionate about supporting families as they train up their children in the way they should go. Contact us if you’re interested in joining our existing homeschool co-op, if you’re looking to start a homeschool co-op, or if we can be of support to you or your family!
  • Sunday School—From September through May, our Sunday School meets, welcoming young people from PK through High School. This class meets at 9:15 am.
  • Ladies’ Service Guild—Working together to serve God and our church, the Guild sponsors many activities that benefit the church and our community, and are there to lend a helping hand whenever need arises.
  • Altar Guild—Our ladies work hard at beautifying our sanctuary for worship, and preparing our altar for Holy Communion. They’re always looking for more helpers!
  • Adult Bible Class—Led by Pastor Schettler, this class meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 from September through May, and after church from June through August.
  • Youth Group—Our junior and senior high school students meet on various evenings for food, fun, and service. They also serve during worship as acolytes, crucifers, ushers, and readers.

Used Clothing Shed

(located in the parking lot)

St. Pauly Textile is a Western NY-based, family-owned company whose goal is to get useable clothing to people who can use it, both here in the U.S. and around the world, while at the same time having a meaningful impact in our local communities. St. Paul has hosted one of their clothing sheds for over a decade.

What to Drop-off:  Used Clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and stuffed animals.

What Not to Drop-off:  Furniture, electronics, household items, books, toys, garbage, pillows, rags, and fabric scraps.

If you or your family are in need of clothing, please reach out to us! We can go through the donations in the shed to see if there’s anything you could use!


Prayer is a precious Gift that is always available to us as Christians. We may pray privately and individually or we may pray collectively in the presence of our fellow believers. Each of us believers can pray from the heart, freely, spontaneously, and in our own words. Additionally, many people are strengthened and encouraged in knowing that others are supporting them and are praying for and with them like in the Lord’s prayer. We encourage you to participate in any of the prayer activities as described below.

Prayer Chain

If you have a prayer request or wish to join the prayer chain, call the office. They can provide you with additional information and, if you request, can activate the chain.

Prayer Request Cards

You may request a specific prayer during any of the worship services. To do so, fill out a Prayer Request Card (located in on the guest book sign in stand in the foyer). Give this card to pastor or an elder and  they wll be included in the general prayers at that service.

Prayer Request Email

To send a prayer request to the church office please send us an email.  Pastor checks the email before service and when he is in the office.